Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Joy of Rest

Genesis 2:3

God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Exodus 8:20
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

The bible study I'm currently doing is The Abundant Marriage: Stewardship. This past week's lesson was titled - If we only had a little more.

Do you struggle with this? I'll be the first to admit it, I certainly do.

Not enough time
Not enough money
Not enough sleep
Not enough conversation with your spouse
Not enough opportunities to have fun with family....

One of the questions in this week's lesson was:

How might your not enoughs and if onlys change if you were to make (and keep) an appointment with God every day? I have the Sunday School answer ready, as I'm sure you do also....but do I really, truly believe it? Upon reflection, I decided that I do believe it based on personal experience.

So, all this to say - Do you have a DAY during the week that is set apart? I do not. All my days are pretty much the same, with few variations. It is difficult for me to take a COMPLETE DAY to rest and honor God, but why? I know that when I honor the sabbath, I am reminded that my time is not mine to do with what I please, but God's.

I forgot to weigh in yesterday am...and then forgot again today.
I got a haircut today....when you're a chub, you have to have cute hair. Wanna see? I'll even include my double chin, as an added bonus!


Melissa said...

Love the hair! Did you go to the same stylist? Wow! I really like it.
I have enough time, I just don't manage it well. I spend too much time on the things I shouldn't do and not enough time on the things I should.

Dee Dee's Diary said...

Good devotion. I need to reflect...will comment then...
LOVE the haircut.

You are STILL the FASHION PLATE you always were.

2008 is going to be great....
It's the year I'm going to lose weight!